Mechanical orientator for lids for cosmetic products
Customized mechanical orientator for processing items with particular care taken to ensure that they are not spoilt or damaged. The system enables production speeds up to 150 caps a minute to be reached. Simple adjustments and customized format changes enable several formats to be processed by the same plant.
The combined loading hopper that can vary according to the required autonomy, and the plant consisting of an air channel, support structure, and control panel makes the machine a turnkey project.

Mechanical orientator per vials
Sarg solution that enables vials of different dimensions and materials to be processed. The orientator’s customized support structure combined with a suction belt ensures a high-performance solution with reduced consumption and performance up to 100 items a minute. The customized format changes enable several formats with different dimensions to be processed by the same plant. The system is provided with a soundproofing protection to reduce noise.
Mechanical orientator for sprays
Customized system for processing most sprays on the market today. Simple adjustments and customized format changes enable different formats to be processed with the same plant. The combined loading hopper that can vary according to the required autonomy, and the plant consisting of an air channel, a support structure, noise damping protection and control panel makes the machine a turnkey project. Recommended for production rates up to 120 caps a minute.

Mechanical orientator for jars
We propose a novel orientation system for processing several jar models with the same format. Simple adjustments enable the orientator to select different models that are compatible with the dimensions. This enables the end user to reduce or even eliminate downtime due to format changes. Steps are taken to prevent parts getting damaged and the same machine can work on several models at high/medium speeds.